Thursday, July 19, 2012

Causes of Stress
    Many people getting stress from several things in our life. The stress is "people who have bad feeling such as nervous, angry and anxiety" and those things affect those things affect their health. In fact, there are several things causes stress in our normal life like financial problem, social communication and workplace, and I will explain these causes in the following.
    First of all, the financial problem that is the main cause of stress in this time. People who didn't catch enough salary to pay for monthly or yearly expenses like housing and education. However, some people couldn't live because of high prices of living for getting foods or housing. In addition, those people who don't have job cannot live and take care for them self in these time because of money such as people who live in poor countries and homeless in the others countries and that affect their health by physically and psychologically obviously.
     Secondly, socialist also cause stress in many way. That how people communicate and comprehend each other to be polite and nice like the communication with relatives and co-workers and if this communication does not enough polite or nice with some of them. It might be affect the relationship among you and relatives or others. In other hand, some people can't deal with others in public places because of their personalities or actions and usually it come when someone have a lot of stress, people who born with loud voice or someone who always joke with others and they don't like it.
   Finally, there are lot of causes of stress in workplace such as time of work, pressure of work, communication and routine for some people. People who work in different places getting stress for example, people who study and work at the same time or people who work in two times in one day, morning and evening or whatever. Workers when communicate which other should be ethical as polite or tough for example, managers who talk with workers toughly and give them a lot of works then the workers getting high stress and headache or workers who manipulated with rules and attendance then managers getting a lot of stress with them.
     In conclusion, these causes show to us that stress present with everyone and everywhere and if we don't know how to control them. It might be affect our health mentally and physically and may be these things lead to create problems with others obviously or sometimes reach to be crazy because of high stress.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Best Friends...
When you hurts to look to the past and you afraid what will be happen in the future, just look beside you and  your best friend will be there. In fact, there are lots of friend in these days but few of them are "best friend", like diamond difficult to find it, harder to leave it and impossible to forget it. Real friendship doesn't end, friends are usually forever. Most of people get in/out of your life but you know they have a place in your heart. Best friend like stars and you don't always see them but you know they are in the sky. In short, for the world you are somebody but for one person might be you are the world in his/her life.  

Monday, July 16, 2012

Life is beautiful, it's beautiful when we help each others, it's beautiful when you find someone who stand beside you, it's beautiful when you find someone who loves you... etc. So, don't deprive yourself from the enjoyment of life. Be smile everyday :-).

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Weakness On Being a Student And How To Solve It

     Do you know there are a lot of student complain of lack time in their school or college life? A weakness on being student usually not because he/she doesn't have distinguishes of good students which are attitude, academic skills, awareness and accomplishment but because of he/she wasted a lot of time on nothing. However, there is a solution for that problem which is creating or makes a new plan "schedule" for his/her school or college life and if its for the whole simple life they will get better. To create a new schedule, there are several ways to make it such as some people like to make it every week, month or year and some have different ways depending on the ability of person who want to make it. To get successful schedule, there are symptoms and qualities should including your plan which are self-discipline, initiative, breadth of interests, an open mind, a critical of mind, perceptiveness, objectivity and humility. And I have one more suggestion for your schedule which is when you create a new schedule make it flexible "able to change "depending on the priority" advantage of the importance of" for example if you have an exam or a long assignment and you are not sure how many time you will take to finish it. Therefore, my suggestion is add thirty minute, one hour or whatever you like to complete it even that contrary to another task then squeeze it as possible as from your rest time. In short, I advise anyone who doesn't accomplish his/her works. Thus, they need to create a new plan "schedule" to organize and get successful life.